I just had to post this because after being a jehovahs witness from birth and that has been thirty or so years, It just occurred to me how little Bible reading is done at the meetings in context. Yes, it is true we are told to read the Bible daily and given a nice little schedule, but how many of the witnesses are actually doing the reading? We do more logging and checking of out in service hours than logging and checking how many hours per week we spent reading God's Word. It seems so strange to me now. If you add up the hours spent at meetings. Five meetings per week. And, the Bible reading is done at the service meeting for only a few minutes. This just does not make sense for a group that is all about studying the Bible.
I wish this had occurred to me years earlier. But, it didn't, and so I will share it with you now. Yes, I could and should have done my own Bible reading at home and I did try to many times, but I just did not like it. I figured I already knew the basics from studying the watchtower and awake and it just seemed dry to me. I did not enjoy it most of the time.
Now in retrospect I see how the witnesses are able to start bible studies with new people. Most of the time (from experience) the people we studied with did not know anything about the Bible or religion. That is why I stress to people the need to educate themselves. Do it online (encyclopedia) or at the library, but get to know the history of the Bible and religion. Inform yourself so that you do not leave the witnesses and get involved in another group just like them. As humans we tend to go back to what we know and feels comfortable. The Watchtower Org. is an authoritarian organization and most leave there and go to another authoritarian org. or relationship. Please take time to yourself. To get to know who you are and what you want and what is acceptable to you. You deserve it!
I have done a lot of reading and research since leaving the witnesses two years ago. And, I still have a lot of questions but.......I know when to trust my instincts now and I am learning to stand up for myself and set appropriate boundaries to keep myself safe and happy. We all deserve this and we owe it to our children to teach them this also. I hope all goes well with you and if you need encouragement, please let me know. It is really hard when you are thinking of leaving or have left. I know first hand. My family is four generations JW and most of them do not speak to me now and so I am starting over.......but I am doing it informed this time and I want to be around people who accept me for the wonderful person I am even if I don't agree with all of their religious interpretations.
Offering help and encouragement to Jehovah's Witnesses and Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and others involved in similiar situations. Thousands of unsuspecting honest hearted people get involved in high control groups and spiritually abusive organizations each year. Talking about it helps. We are here to listen.
The Truth
What exactly is the truth? How do we find it? Many Jehovah's Witnesses believe they have found the truth. And, if the Jehovah's Witness' group has a positive affect on your family then maybe you should stay with them. However, what about the ones it is not having a positive affect on? What if you now want to leave the group but you are told if you do you will lose your family and your everlasting life? What if you are told (as I was) that my children will die in Armageddon all because I left the group? Is this the truth?
I do believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses do have some positive things to say and have helped some. But, once you belong to the group you can never leave without adverse affects. Is this right, is this truth? Are they really the only ones you can go through for everlasting life? We are going to take a look at that because I feel there are so many out there who have been scared into staying with this group (I know I was and many of my loved ones) because of these scare tactics. It reminds me of the churches that teach you will be going to a burning Hell...........Since the Witnesses have taught that Hell is not a place of burning torment and we will not be doomed for leaving Christendom then maybe we will not lose our everlasting life if we are questioning the Jehovah's Witness group's authority.
First let's look at what exactly the Jehovah's witnesses say about their authority:
1960 Watchtower July 15 Staying Awake with the Faithful and Discreet Slave says:
"The facts show that during this time and up to the present hour the "slave" class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth." ("Sole Channel") "The Bible figures this channel arrangement as New Jerusalem's "broad way" ". They refer to themselves as "A Modern Miracle" and all others asleep spiritually. "By 1931 the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy were snoring in even deeper spiritual slumber than prior to 1914. Not an awake watchman among them".
1953 Watchtower Aug 15 "Living Now as a New World Society" says:
"After the Battle of Armageddon obliterates this old world the New World Society will continue on, for it will be approved and authorized by the only government then in power, the divine government." They feel you must be a part of this New World Society in order to survive Armageddon since as they stated above only their New World Society will be left.
1954 Watchtower March 1 "Meaning of Baptism Today".
"Only by keeping integrity to God and by associating with God's people, the New World Society, may we hope to survive the destruction of this wicked world in the coming destruction of this wicked world in the coming battle of Armageddon and enter into the new world of righteousness even as Noah and his family entered a new world after the flood."
(For more recent articles on what will happen to those who reject their message see July 15, 2008 and April 1, 2008.)
Do the scriptures support this? What scriptures do they use to support these statements? Are there other scriptures that apply that may send a different message?
The scriptures the Jehovah's Witnesses use in support of their New World Society and it's members as the only survivors:
Matt 13:25 "While men were sleeping, his enemy came and over sowed weeds in among the wheat, and left." (NWT)
Matt 13:38,39 "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of thins, and the reapers are angels." (NWT)
They also refer to Rev. 7:9 and 11:18 and all of Rev. chapter 22 and apply it to their organization. Again that is fine if that is how they would like to interpret it. But, to hurt and manipulate others by saying it is truth and you will die if you don't believe it and live by it well................
First, you should not take scriptures out of context to get the full and correct meaning. By taking the scriptures out of context you can make them say anything to anyone. (Many people do this these days to gain followers so be on guard) (know your Bible well first before trusting anyone). But, in context Rev. chapter 7 clearly tells who it is speaking about and to whom. There is no need to interpret it because it clearly states that the angel is speaking of the 144,000 sealed "slaves of our God" "sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel". The sons of Israel. It does not say spiritual Israel or spiritual Jews, it says sons of Israel. Literally. For further clarification in verse 5-8 it even show which tribes of Israel ie.: Judah, Reuben, Gad, etc., and how many from each tribe. Twelve thousand from each tribe. Twelve thousand times twelve tribes equal 144,000.
As for the Jehovah's witnesses being the only survivors of Armageddon the scriptures clearly state that those who seek God with all their heart will find Him (Deut. 4:29).
Other supporting scriptures include:
Psalm 69:32-33 (those seeking God and meek will live.)
Psalm 145: 18-20 (God is close to all who call on Him.)
Proverbs 2: 3-6 (if you keep seeking you will find the knowledge of God)
Isaiah 45: 22 (turn to God and you will be saved, there is no one else)
Notice it does not say to find His one true organization for through them only you will be saved. It says turn to God to be saved for there is no one else who can save you. Matt. 6:33 If you seek God first then He will show you the way and He will give you everything you need. Do not trust in men.
As I said before, if you are happy as a Jehovah's witness and you find the religion satisfying, good. But, if you are having doubts investigate them and do not let others opinions or interpretations scare you or manipulate you into staying for the wrong reasons. God is Love, and He know those that are seeking Him, and He will not let you down. I hope you find this encouraging. I have many loved ones who are suffering from anxiety because they have doubts and do not know where to turn. This website is for them. I was in the same situation for many years because I was afraid to study on my own and did not know how to study and understand the Bible on my own. Now I know there are alternatives and I want to encourage others to stand up for themselves and Trust your God given Instincts. I was told my family would suffer at Armageddon because of my rebelliousness. How horrible for someone to pass judgement on another human being like that! But, I knew in my heart that I was honestly searching for God and He was the one I would answer to. And, He will be there for you too.
If you would like to read a great book on the Jehovah's Witnesses from someone who used to be at Bethel please read Christian Freedom. Raymond Franz is a wonderful caring person who was with the Witness Organization along with his father for many, many years and has a lot of history and inside information to share concerning the leadership. He also includes great insight for Christians for all denominations and encouragement on staying strong spiritually in spite of adversity and conflict. I published the link below for your convenience. Just click on the photo for more information or to place an order.

I do believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses do have some positive things to say and have helped some. But, once you belong to the group you can never leave without adverse affects. Is this right, is this truth? Are they really the only ones you can go through for everlasting life? We are going to take a look at that because I feel there are so many out there who have been scared into staying with this group (I know I was and many of my loved ones) because of these scare tactics. It reminds me of the churches that teach you will be going to a burning Hell...........Since the Witnesses have taught that Hell is not a place of burning torment and we will not be doomed for leaving Christendom then maybe we will not lose our everlasting life if we are questioning the Jehovah's Witness group's authority.
First let's look at what exactly the Jehovah's witnesses say about their authority:
1960 Watchtower July 15 Staying Awake with the Faithful and Discreet Slave says:
"The facts show that during this time and up to the present hour the "slave" class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth." ("Sole Channel") "The Bible figures this channel arrangement as New Jerusalem's "broad way" ". They refer to themselves as "A Modern Miracle" and all others asleep spiritually. "By 1931 the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy were snoring in even deeper spiritual slumber than prior to 1914. Not an awake watchman among them".
1953 Watchtower Aug 15 "Living Now as a New World Society" says:
"After the Battle of Armageddon obliterates this old world the New World Society will continue on, for it will be approved and authorized by the only government then in power, the divine government." They feel you must be a part of this New World Society in order to survive Armageddon since as they stated above only their New World Society will be left.
1954 Watchtower March 1 "Meaning of Baptism Today".
"Only by keeping integrity to God and by associating with God's people, the New World Society, may we hope to survive the destruction of this wicked world in the coming destruction of this wicked world in the coming battle of Armageddon and enter into the new world of righteousness even as Noah and his family entered a new world after the flood."
(For more recent articles on what will happen to those who reject their message see July 15, 2008 and April 1, 2008.)
Do the scriptures support this? What scriptures do they use to support these statements? Are there other scriptures that apply that may send a different message?
The scriptures the Jehovah's Witnesses use in support of their New World Society and it's members as the only survivors:
Matt 13:25 "While men were sleeping, his enemy came and over sowed weeds in among the wheat, and left." (NWT)
Matt 13:38,39 "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of thins, and the reapers are angels." (NWT)
They also refer to Rev. 7:9 and 11:18 and all of Rev. chapter 22 and apply it to their organization. Again that is fine if that is how they would like to interpret it. But, to hurt and manipulate others by saying it is truth and you will die if you don't believe it and live by it well................
First, you should not take scriptures out of context to get the full and correct meaning. By taking the scriptures out of context you can make them say anything to anyone. (Many people do this these days to gain followers so be on guard) (know your Bible well first before trusting anyone). But, in context Rev. chapter 7 clearly tells who it is speaking about and to whom. There is no need to interpret it because it clearly states that the angel is speaking of the 144,000 sealed "slaves of our God" "sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel". The sons of Israel. It does not say spiritual Israel or spiritual Jews, it says sons of Israel. Literally. For further clarification in verse 5-8 it even show which tribes of Israel ie.: Judah, Reuben, Gad, etc., and how many from each tribe. Twelve thousand from each tribe. Twelve thousand times twelve tribes equal 144,000.
As for the Jehovah's witnesses being the only survivors of Armageddon the scriptures clearly state that those who seek God with all their heart will find Him (Deut. 4:29).
Other supporting scriptures include:
Psalm 69:32-33 (those seeking God and meek will live.)
Psalm 145: 18-20 (God is close to all who call on Him.)
Proverbs 2: 3-6 (if you keep seeking you will find the knowledge of God)
Isaiah 45: 22 (turn to God and you will be saved, there is no one else)
Notice it does not say to find His one true organization for through them only you will be saved. It says turn to God to be saved for there is no one else who can save you. Matt. 6:33 If you seek God first then He will show you the way and He will give you everything you need. Do not trust in men.
As I said before, if you are happy as a Jehovah's witness and you find the religion satisfying, good. But, if you are having doubts investigate them and do not let others opinions or interpretations scare you or manipulate you into staying for the wrong reasons. God is Love, and He know those that are seeking Him, and He will not let you down. I hope you find this encouraging. I have many loved ones who are suffering from anxiety because they have doubts and do not know where to turn. This website is for them. I was in the same situation for many years because I was afraid to study on my own and did not know how to study and understand the Bible on my own. Now I know there are alternatives and I want to encourage others to stand up for themselves and Trust your God given Instincts. I was told my family would suffer at Armageddon because of my rebelliousness. How horrible for someone to pass judgement on another human being like that! But, I knew in my heart that I was honestly searching for God and He was the one I would answer to. And, He will be there for you too.
If you would like to read a great book on the Jehovah's Witnesses from someone who used to be at Bethel please read Christian Freedom. Raymond Franz is a wonderful caring person who was with the Witness Organization along with his father for many, many years and has a lot of history and inside information to share concerning the leadership. He also includes great insight for Christians for all denominations and encouragement on staying strong spiritually in spite of adversity and conflict. I published the link below for your convenience. Just click on the photo for more information or to place an order.
Torah Study For Jews and Non-jews
And after much research on the best translation of the Tanakh (Torah, Writings, and Prophets) from Hebrew into English, I ordered the :
from JPS. It comes highly recommended. It is very easy to read and understand.
Are You In A Cult?
First, what is a cult? Let's ask Steven Hassan. He has been active in cult awareness since 1976. He is a Nationally Certified Counselor and licensed Mental Health Counselor. He has helped people and their families involved in several groups such as Moonies, Scientology, and many others including MLM groups. He says to look for ways the group uses control. Does the group control its members Behavior, Information, Thoughts, and Emotions? This is what Steven Hassan says to look for.
Control Behavior-
Require obedience to it's self-appointed leaders without question. Do they want you to depend on them for truth. And, if you do not agree with what they say is truth do they get upset? Do they tell you what jobs you may or may not have, sports you may or may not play, college you may or may not attend? These are just some examples. There may be more or different examples. Do they require that you tell others in charge if someone gets "out of line" or does not behave the way they would like? Do they try to impose lots of their own rules and regulations on the group?
Control Information-
Control Thoughts-
Do they use words like apostate, demonized, troublemaker, to label others that do not conform to their standards thus turning others away from them? Do they tell you what you can read, watch, listen to and use guilt to make members feel bad if they don't conform? If you come across information that makes them look bad or in a negative light do they instantly label it as apostate or other name to get you to leave it alone?
Control Emotions-
Does the group use guilt to control it's members? Or, maybe fear as well. For example, they may say that person is going to go to hell or die at Armageddon if they do not change. Or, may be they use the member's children in that way. For example, they may say that if you do not attend meetings or other activities mandated by the leader that your children may die because of your behavior. These are all ways some cult groups keep their members from getting out of line or questioning their authority.
Many of these groups use shunning also as a way to keep members from questioning. If the group is told to shun a former member then they may be hoping any negative information will not get out concerning them.
Please do your research before you join any group. Even if they seem nice they are just like any other group or association. There are so many people getting scammed these days you must show extreme caution. Go to the experts. See what they say. The Internet is a very large place and anyone can say anything about just about everything and everyone. But, if you go to an expert such as Steven Hassan and others who are experienced and educated you can make a better decision for you and your family. You can even get information at your local library or bookstore. S. Hassan has written books on the subject as well that will be extremely helpful to your or a loved one.
His web address is http://freedomofmind.com/.
I for one was totally unaware of what a cult was. When I heard the word I thought of something very dark and brought to mind Jonestown or Waco. I never gave it much thought that it could happen to me or someone I love. But, I am sure that when those unfortunate victims joined they most likely found something positive in it at first too. Also, if you have already left a highly controlled group or family the risk of joining another one similar can be high if you do not become educated on what to look for and how to arm yourself.
Please educate yourself. You will not be sorry. There are many caring, loving, patient people out there waiting to help who know exactly how you feel. It is possible to move forward and live a happy positive life.
These groups and organizations prey on people even going to their homes to recruit them under the guise of "free bible study". Steven Hassan an expert on cults was asked how do we keep ourselves and our loved ones from joining a cult in the first place? His answer was by education. We must be educated on what a cult is so we can stay away from them. It is possible to leave a cult but trying to get a loved one out can be very difficult. Much easier to stay away in the first place. There are plenty of great books on the subject and can even find them at the library. That is where I first received my cult awareness. I was at the library for something else and came across the book Kingdom of the Cults. It just so happened that my congregation's name was on the list. I was dumbfounded to say the least!! But, I checked out the book and read it and it has changed my life for the better and now I want to help others in the same situation. I had no idea that the people who I trusted with my life and my children's lives were not as safe as I had thought. I am glad I got out before it was too late.
Some of these cult members if not most do not even know the deceit they are spreading. They may think they are helping and that they have found "the truth". They may not know the groups history and the ulterior agenda the leaders have. Check out the groups history before you join. You will be highly discouraged from checking the groups past after you join.
Here are a few books on the subject that I highly recommend. Many of them are very inexpensive at Amazon.com if you buy used or you can find some of them at the library. (I have purchased many books on line for under $2.00, all like new condition). If you or a loved one has a similar story or needs encouragement please write to me in comments and I will respond. My family was in the same organization for over four generations and very few of us has left which has torn the family apart. I have seen the emotional turmoil this group has caused my family members. They are scared into staying and told to shun the family members that have left. This makes it very hard for them to see what is being done to them and the help we could give them. So in the meantime it has become my passion to help others in this sad situation.
Below are the books I mentioned. If you click on the picture it will take you right to Amazon and you can read about the book and others in the same category. If you do decide to buy a book, I do receive a small commission from Amazon which goes right back into cult awareness and education against spiritual abuse. So, thank you in advance.
Here are some suggestions of books for cult awareness and education.
Bible Study,
Jehovahs Witnesses,
History of Jehovah's Witness
I find the history of Jehovah's witness fascinating. How can a religion that has changed it's doctrines and beliefs so many times still be around? I have read many articles claiming the history of Jehovah's Witnesses started in or around 1870. But, this is just not exactly true. Charles Taze Russell started his own bible study group in or around that time after rejecting what he found being taught in the churches near him. Some people called this group Russellites after him. They were a a small independent group who rejected the trinity and trinitarian churches but still loved the Bible. Charles Russell's writings and followers are still around. In fact you can still obtain his books and writings from the Internet for personal bible study.
When C.T. Russell passed away his lawyer J.F. Rutherford took over the group and systematically started changing many of C.T. Russell's beloved beliefs about God and the Bible. Many of Russell's faithful followers could not agree or support the new president's beliefs and his strong personality and tactics and they left the new organization over the course of several years. Some estimates say that at least 75% eventually left.
Then in or around 1932 the charismatic leader and president of the organization J.F. Rutherford (also called Judge Rutherford) changed the group's name to Jehovah's Witnesses instead of the bible students. This led to a lot of hurt and anger on both sides I would imagine. when I was brought up in the 1970's people were still talking about it in hushed tones around the kitchen table. I did not know exactly what it all meant but I remember it was not in a positive light and I specifically remember the name Russellites. That is why the name has stuck with me all of this time and I was shocked to find out that C.T. Russell's followers were still around because I was told like a lot of others that Jehovah's Witnesses were started in 1870.
I also find it very peculiar that despite the Jehovah's witnesses claim to be non-political or neutral their new president "Judge" Rutherford a lawyer did not seem to be so neutral. He led the group to the supreme court over issues of their right to freedom of religion and freedom to go door to door and not taking blood transfusions ordered by a doctor to save a life and at one time shots or certain surgery. I also find it curious that even though they fought so hard for religious freedom if a member wants out or wants to go to a different church (even if it is christian) they will be disfellowshipped and shunned. So, you may have the freedom to leave the Jehovahs witness organization but you may have to leave without your friends, family, your good name, and in some cases your livelihood.
When C.T. Russell passed away his lawyer J.F. Rutherford took over the group and systematically started changing many of C.T. Russell's beloved beliefs about God and the Bible. Many of Russell's faithful followers could not agree or support the new president's beliefs and his strong personality and tactics and they left the new organization over the course of several years. Some estimates say that at least 75% eventually left.
Then in or around 1932 the charismatic leader and president of the organization J.F. Rutherford (also called Judge Rutherford) changed the group's name to Jehovah's Witnesses instead of the bible students. This led to a lot of hurt and anger on both sides I would imagine. when I was brought up in the 1970's people were still talking about it in hushed tones around the kitchen table. I did not know exactly what it all meant but I remember it was not in a positive light and I specifically remember the name Russellites. That is why the name has stuck with me all of this time and I was shocked to find out that C.T. Russell's followers were still around because I was told like a lot of others that Jehovah's Witnesses were started in 1870.
I also find it very peculiar that despite the Jehovah's witnesses claim to be non-political or neutral their new president "Judge" Rutherford a lawyer did not seem to be so neutral. He led the group to the supreme court over issues of their right to freedom of religion and freedom to go door to door and not taking blood transfusions ordered by a doctor to save a life and at one time shots or certain surgery. I also find it curious that even though they fought so hard for religious freedom if a member wants out or wants to go to a different church (even if it is christian) they will be disfellowshipped and shunned. So, you may have the freedom to leave the Jehovahs witness organization but you may have to leave without your friends, family, your good name, and in some cases your livelihood.
Why Some Ex Jehovahs Witnesses Seem So Angry
Why can't some Jehovahs Witnesses just leave the organization quietly? Why do some seem so angry and want to put their feelings and opinions into writing? I, of course, can only speak for myself when I say that I could have just left quietly but I was hurt and I felt that I had not been told the whole Truth. Maybe I was partly to blame. I should have examined things more critically in the beginning. I should have researched the answers I was given instead of taking another person's word for it. But, I reasoned, they are such nice clean people and they have so many good points and know so much more about the Bible than I do. Wrong. I am an intelligent person and I owed it to myself and my family to check more deeply into others' claims. Yes, they are nice and yes, they are clean and many are upstanding. But, that in itself does not mean that they have an accurate interpretation on the Bible. They have their opinions based on the information they read and their own experiences. We all owe it to ourselves to understand what exactly Critical Thinking is first before we go and make life altering decisions. At least that is my opinion. So much emotion goes into picking a religion. Part of the reason I was so accepting of the Jehovahs Witness claims is due to the fact that so many in our extended family ARE Jehovahs Witnesses. We wanted to be included into family gatherings. Especially with children on the way. Most people I have talked to feel the same way. But, now after having many of my illusions burst and several years later not only do I not have my extended family back.....some are even shunning me (and my children are a part of me). This is sooo sad for so many and it just does not have to be this way. Please know that if you are in a similar situation you can find a friend in me. A listening ear and an open heart. I know how it feels. But, we are on the way to healing. Know it or not. And, you do not have to do it alone.
Captives of a Concept is an excellent book concerning the organization of Jehovahs Witnesses. If you have questions about them Don Cameron is a reliable source. Since growing up in the organization as a child I never questioned where our information came from. Who writes the Watchtower and Awakes and where do they get their information, insight, and interpretations. But, now as an adult who is struggling with how to teach my child the Truth......I want to know more about the Faithful and Discreet Slave. This book is an excellent resource and I recommend it to those who want to know more about the concept of F&D Slave and to those wondering if they should join the group. It is very easy to read and understand. It answered a lot of questions for me and I hope it will for you too.
False Prophets
Did you know that the Bible gives us rules and advice on how to know a false prophet? And what is a prophet? A prophet is a person who is believed to speak in the name of God or under divine inspiration. But, how do we know if they are under God's inspiration or they are just saying they are for questionable reasons. They could also have very good intentions and may have had a very emotional experience thus leading them to believe they are really anointed by God to speak in His name. We must be very careful in this matter and therefore it is best to see what God's Word says on the matter correct?
God says in Deuteronomy (chapter 18:15) that when a prophet speaks in His name and the thing spoken does not occur then he should be considered a false prophet and do not listen to him or let his words worry you or frighten you. God's true Word always comes true and He is not a man that He would change. The Bible also goes on to say that a false prophet is worthy of death. And is this too harsh? There are so many false prophets today leading people further and further away from the true God and what His Will is for mankind. God does not want any of His people led astray. So, if is vital that we make sure if any person or group of persons claims to speak for God that what they say comes true. Maybe since you have been associating with the group things have been good and fine. But, what about in the past? Have they made claims that certain things would happen at a certain time and they did not? Or, have they even said these things and then tried to cover them up or maybe even blamed their own loyal followers for making up dates and times? Could you even trust someone after they have done this although their future actions may have been good based on what we read about false prophets in God's Word.
Choose your friends wisely and choose your congregation even more carefully. There are many sincere followers but do not take their word for it for they may not have done the research. Look and see the past history of a group. Not from other upset members necessarily but from the groups own publications. What is their history? How long has the group been around? Where did they get started and why? From my experience a lot of groups over the last two hundred years have come about because a person had a very emotional experience and decided to write about it and then gained followers. Not in itself bad, but sometimes it developed into a whole new religion or cult. It may have led or is leading to a person or persons thinking they are now our mediator between us and God. Should it be this way? Yes, I believe we should all get together and encourage each other but should anyone be between us and God? That is a whole conversation in itself and it is getting off the subject but just know that if a person or persons speaks in the name of God and it does not come true (whether they said it now or 100 years ago) they are a false prophet and we are cautioned by God not to listen to them. Be wise and discerning. Do your research!! You will be glad you did and your family will be safer and happier as well.
God says in Deuteronomy (chapter 18:15) that when a prophet speaks in His name and the thing spoken does not occur then he should be considered a false prophet and do not listen to him or let his words worry you or frighten you. God's true Word always comes true and He is not a man that He would change. The Bible also goes on to say that a false prophet is worthy of death. And is this too harsh? There are so many false prophets today leading people further and further away from the true God and what His Will is for mankind. God does not want any of His people led astray. So, if is vital that we make sure if any person or group of persons claims to speak for God that what they say comes true. Maybe since you have been associating with the group things have been good and fine. But, what about in the past? Have they made claims that certain things would happen at a certain time and they did not? Or, have they even said these things and then tried to cover them up or maybe even blamed their own loyal followers for making up dates and times? Could you even trust someone after they have done this although their future actions may have been good based on what we read about false prophets in God's Word.
Choose your friends wisely and choose your congregation even more carefully. There are many sincere followers but do not take their word for it for they may not have done the research. Look and see the past history of a group. Not from other upset members necessarily but from the groups own publications. What is their history? How long has the group been around? Where did they get started and why? From my experience a lot of groups over the last two hundred years have come about because a person had a very emotional experience and decided to write about it and then gained followers. Not in itself bad, but sometimes it developed into a whole new religion or cult. It may have led or is leading to a person or persons thinking they are now our mediator between us and God. Should it be this way? Yes, I believe we should all get together and encourage each other but should anyone be between us and God? That is a whole conversation in itself and it is getting off the subject but just know that if a person or persons speaks in the name of God and it does not come true (whether they said it now or 100 years ago) they are a false prophet and we are cautioned by God not to listen to them. Be wise and discerning. Do your research!! You will be glad you did and your family will be safer and happier as well.
History of Jehovahs Witnesses
Jehovahs Witnesses are a unique group of people. You may have seen Jehova Witnesses in the news or seen their documentary Knocking on PBS. However, little is known about the true history of Jehovahs Witnesses. They love to witness to others and are well known for going door to door, but witnessing to Jehovahs Witnesses is another story.
Thanks to the world wide web it is getting easier to find Jehovahs Witness information. You do need to be discerning however. Not all of the information is true or accurate. As with any group or organization it is important to investigate thoroughly BEFORE JOINING. I cannot emphasize this enough. A lot of groups will not let you read any other's information after you have already joined. At least they will make it difficult and you could be labeled as too independent or even rebellious.
The Bible itself warns of false prophets and that we should make sure of all things before making an important decision and hold on to only what is good. (1 Thess. 5:21)
This would be especially important if a group or organization is claiming to have The Truth and speak as God's mouthpiece on earth. So do not be made to feel scared for investigation and making sure a group holds up to their assertions.
What though if you have already joined the group. What if you change your mind or new information comes to light? The Bible makes clear that we should be loyal to God and not to men. He makes clear also in Psalms (145:18) that He is near to all who call on Him. So, if a group of men are not what they seem, God seeks those that are seeking Him and obey God as ruler. Do not be misled or manipulated. God knows the hearts of men and looks for sincerity. Whether you already belong to a group or are considering certain group.....follow your HEART. Pray for God's guidance and help as well as others you know and trust.
Thanks to the world wide web it is getting easier to find Jehovahs Witness information. You do need to be discerning however. Not all of the information is true or accurate. As with any group or organization it is important to investigate thoroughly BEFORE JOINING. I cannot emphasize this enough. A lot of groups will not let you read any other's information after you have already joined. At least they will make it difficult and you could be labeled as too independent or even rebellious.
The Bible itself warns of false prophets and that we should make sure of all things before making an important decision and hold on to only what is good. (1 Thess. 5:21)
This would be especially important if a group or organization is claiming to have The Truth and speak as God's mouthpiece on earth. So do not be made to feel scared for investigation and making sure a group holds up to their assertions.
What though if you have already joined the group. What if you change your mind or new information comes to light? The Bible makes clear that we should be loyal to God and not to men. He makes clear also in Psalms (145:18) that He is near to all who call on Him. So, if a group of men are not what they seem, God seeks those that are seeking Him and obey God as ruler. Do not be misled or manipulated. God knows the hearts of men and looks for sincerity. Whether you already belong to a group or are considering certain group.....follow your HEART. Pray for God's guidance and help as well as others you know and trust.
JWs vs WCG
I was doing some research on the computer yesterday and what I had searched for brought up a very interesting page written by Worldwide Church of God. It had the harlot of babylon picture on the very top and it looked very very similiar to a lot of the photos I remembered seeing the the JW Revelation book. (remember how many times we studied that one?) I could not believe my eyes. I know now after doing alot of (forbidden) reading and studying that the JW religion is not all that original but I guess sometimes I forget.
Did you know that the Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism) has alot of the same beliefs as the JWs. I had never even heard of them until I was inactive and they have been around since at least 1934 also. There are just so many coincidences. Especially when the witnesses act as if they are the only ones with this knowledge. Part of me thinks that is partly the reason they don't want you to read others magazines. You might find that Armstrong is a better religion and go there. You may not feel so special as a JW if you know that WCG is also against the trinity and pagan holidays.......
Here are just some of the similarities between JWs and the WCG religion:
I am sure there are probably more similarities but these are the most surprising to me. Do I believe as a JW anymore? no. But, I did think that they were at least pretty original. Now I wonder who copied who. Did the two religions feed off each other? Did the leaders know each other? Did they both believe and follow CT Russell? Miller?
Now the WCG has lost their Armstrong leader and now someone else is doing the leading. It sounds as if they are now going back to mainstream christianity and changing alot of their beloved beliefs. I wonder where the followers will go that do not agree with all of the new changes.
And, should we be going to a church at all? They are just human leaders. But, if not a church where do we go for fellowship and worship? Should we just be meeting at small home groups? I am still left wondering and searching (not such a bad thing).
If anyone is out there with similar thoughts and questions please let me know what you have gone through!! I love fellowship on line at least. Can you imagine being in the 1970s and not being able to communicate with others who are questioning!!?? I guess that is why most simply did not question. Very sad.
Did you know that the Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism) has alot of the same beliefs as the JWs. I had never even heard of them until I was inactive and they have been around since at least 1934 also. There are just so many coincidences. Especially when the witnesses act as if they are the only ones with this knowledge. Part of me thinks that is partly the reason they don't want you to read others magazines. You might find that Armstrong is a better religion and go there. You may not feel so special as a JW if you know that WCG is also against the trinity and pagan holidays.......
Here are just some of the similarities between JWs and the WCG religion:
- Reject the trinity
- Practice disfellowshipping
- Do not participate in war
- Do not vote
- Believe the cross is a pagan symbol
- No christmas, easter, or bdays
- Love millenialism
- Believe they are the one true church
- Believe all other churches are from the devil
- Prophesied the end of the world in 1970's
- Published the Plain Truth magazine
- Owned radio show
I am sure there are probably more similarities but these are the most surprising to me. Do I believe as a JW anymore? no. But, I did think that they were at least pretty original. Now I wonder who copied who. Did the two religions feed off each other? Did the leaders know each other? Did they both believe and follow CT Russell? Miller?
Now the WCG has lost their Armstrong leader and now someone else is doing the leading. It sounds as if they are now going back to mainstream christianity and changing alot of their beloved beliefs. I wonder where the followers will go that do not agree with all of the new changes.
And, should we be going to a church at all? They are just human leaders. But, if not a church where do we go for fellowship and worship? Should we just be meeting at small home groups? I am still left wondering and searching (not such a bad thing).
If anyone is out there with similar thoughts and questions please let me know what you have gone through!! I love fellowship on line at least. Can you imagine being in the 1970s and not being able to communicate with others who are questioning!!?? I guess that is why most simply did not question. Very sad.
Follow Your Heart
I am very curious where people are going after leaving the watchtower organization? I really wanted to go to a local christian church but my husband was really against any organized religion again. Very understandable. But, I was very looking forward to meeting new people and having my children meet new friends! I (we) really miss the gatherings and BBQ's etc. and the sunday services!! But, where do we go? Who has the answers?
I started watching christian programs on cable and I really liked a guy named Les Feldick. At first I did not know what to think of him. He is not a preacher per say. He is a rancher from the south who is very good at teaching the Bible from a christian perspective. He really helped me understand the new testament expecially. But, he taught the trinity and this was not something I was willing to accept and very upsetting to my husband. So, I stopped watching him and started looking around again. A year and a half later we still do not go to church. I started wondering about other religions outside of christianity. I stumbled on some information about Judiasm and why they do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. I had never wondered why because I thought I knew the answer. I had been taught from an early age why and I had accepted the "offical" answer and never questioned it.....until now.
I was very surprised by what I read. I had never heard anything like it before. It left me wanting to learn more about Judiasm. I find it very fascinating the differences between christianity and Judiasm. I did not really think it was going to be that much different except for the facts about Jesus. After all I reasoned, the old testament came from them. But, in Judiasm they do not call it nor consider it the old testament. It is the Hebrew Bible. The first five books make up the Torah. Still very relevant and still very important and studied and is the basis for everyday life in orthodox Judiasm.
It just goes to show that we cant assume we have all the answers and we cant stop searching because we think we know the whole truth already. That has proven to have devastating consequences. Please, keep searching, keep reading. The answers are there like hidden treasure and follow your heart and conscience even against seemingly all odds. Yes, I know it can be scary and lonely if family is against you but you will lead them by your example. Have an honest heart and it will not deceive you!
I started watching christian programs on cable and I really liked a guy named Les Feldick. At first I did not know what to think of him. He is not a preacher per say. He is a rancher from the south who is very good at teaching the Bible from a christian perspective. He really helped me understand the new testament expecially. But, he taught the trinity and this was not something I was willing to accept and very upsetting to my husband. So, I stopped watching him and started looking around again. A year and a half later we still do not go to church. I started wondering about other religions outside of christianity. I stumbled on some information about Judiasm and why they do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. I had never wondered why because I thought I knew the answer. I had been taught from an early age why and I had accepted the "offical" answer and never questioned it.....until now.
I was very surprised by what I read. I had never heard anything like it before. It left me wanting to learn more about Judiasm. I find it very fascinating the differences between christianity and Judiasm. I did not really think it was going to be that much different except for the facts about Jesus. After all I reasoned, the old testament came from them. But, in Judiasm they do not call it nor consider it the old testament. It is the Hebrew Bible. The first five books make up the Torah. Still very relevant and still very important and studied and is the basis for everyday life in orthodox Judiasm.
It just goes to show that we cant assume we have all the answers and we cant stop searching because we think we know the whole truth already. That has proven to have devastating consequences. Please, keep searching, keep reading. The answers are there like hidden treasure and follow your heart and conscience even against seemingly all odds. Yes, I know it can be scary and lonely if family is against you but you will lead them by your example. Have an honest heart and it will not deceive you!
Family Time
So, I am wondering how others have dealt with leaving the JW organization and their immediate family. When I decided to leave my husband was less than thrilled to put it mildly. I had been baptized at 17 (long long time ago) and he had just gotten baptized the year before. But, you cant really control the timing of these things. He actually told me he was going to take the kids to every meeting and function wether I liked it or not and wether I went or not. I was so upset! What to do!!!?? Plus, I did not really have anyone to ask since I had just left my support system. I could not go to my mother-she was furious about me leaving (and still shunning me). My other siblings supported me leaving but had no experience in it breaking up the family and father still going...... I was terrified.
To make a long story short, I decided to take a deep breath and think about it for awhile and then decide how to go about this. I decided to keep going to the meetings until my husband could see "the light". That way at least I would know what my children were learning and I could talk to them about it at home and give them more than one perspective. At least they were still very young. And, in the meantime I would tell my husband little things here and there which started adding up. And, then one day a very good friend of ours came and told us about her being abused by her spouse (one of my husbands "very good friend"). We were so shocked. They had met as a pioneer couple and her father was an elder etc. How could this had happened. Well, for me it was too close to the truth of my childhood (which my husband knew all about). And, he decided when he was not counsled even after a police report!!, that was enough for my husband. Plus, we had seen the stories from silent lamb website at around the same time.
Since then we have been studying with our family at home and trying to decide what to do next. Any comments, suggestions or experience?!
To make a long story short, I decided to take a deep breath and think about it for awhile and then decide how to go about this. I decided to keep going to the meetings until my husband could see "the light". That way at least I would know what my children were learning and I could talk to them about it at home and give them more than one perspective. At least they were still very young. And, in the meantime I would tell my husband little things here and there which started adding up. And, then one day a very good friend of ours came and told us about her being abused by her spouse (one of my husbands "very good friend"). We were so shocked. They had met as a pioneer couple and her father was an elder etc. How could this had happened. Well, for me it was too close to the truth of my childhood (which my husband knew all about). And, he decided when he was not counsled even after a police report!!, that was enough for my husband. Plus, we had seen the stories from silent lamb website at around the same time.
Since then we have been studying with our family at home and trying to decide what to do next. Any comments, suggestions or experience?!
Many Jehovahs Witnesses are afraid to leave the organization because what if the faithful and discreet slave is correct? As a JW I often worried the same thing. That is until I started doing some research. Yes, I was afraid to use the internet and read "apostate" literature. Yes, I was afraid someone was looking over my shoulder and would turn me in......but I was determined once and for all to make a decision. I either had to cut the ties or go back to the organization. I had been inactive before, for 10 years. But, always too scared to look further into the org. itself I never really belonged anywhere. That is a very lonely place to be. I started by reading the Proclaimers book written by the watchtower organization. It has alot of information but I found that I could find more info. by looking up some of the terms I was unfamiliar with but that were not elaborated on. For example Beth Sarim. I had never heard that term before and being fourth generation JW I was surprised that I had never heard my family talk about it before either. The other resource I found very helpful was the book Captives of a Concept. It is written very well and helped a lot with my questions and my fears. I would encourage all that have questions about the "f&d slave" to read this publication. If interested you can find it here. Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion)
Former JW Offers Encouragment
My husband and I have been former JWs and away from the organization for almost two years now. I have not really blogged about it because many of my relatives are still very active in the JW community. I am sure many of you will understand exactly how I feel. And that is why I am going to blog about it now. I am tired of feeling like I have done something bad. I made a decision with an honest heart and a decision that we think is the best one for our family. I am just so thankful that my immediate family is still in tact!! I would like to offer my encouragement and experience for those of you who are considering leaving the organization or who have already left. I am not trying to talk people into leaving. For those of you who love it and your family is healthy and thriving---great. But, for those who are hurt or just do not agree and have decided to leave but are scared---I want to let you know that there are a lot of wonderful people who have been through it either as a JW or another organization and are standing by willing to help you overcome your fears and anxieties. Yes, there are a lot of angry people also, but that is understandable due to the highly emotional issues at stake. We all have to work through the disappointment and anger that we may feel after leaving disillusioned. This takes time and a lot of love and encouragement. It is out there. But, you do have to filter through quite a bit sometimes. I have spent a lot of time filtering through the former JW websites and ex-JW websites and I would like to share the ones I have been helped by. I hope it is useful to you and saves you some time and frustration which is what you have probably had too much of by now. Leaving an organization that claims to speak for God or is God's mouthpiece is NOT an easy decision! But, please do not stay locked away in your home like I did for ten years (the first time I went inactive). Please do the proper research now and get the appropriate help for yourself and your family so that you can MOVE FORWARD in a positive way. Life is too short and God is a happy God. He does not want you to just survive...He wants you to be happy too!!!! And there is a lot of information out there that proves there is a Plan Of Salvation for Righteous Gentiles besides being in the JW organization. I hope this helps. Best Regards! J.
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