First, what is a cult? Let's ask Steven Hassan. He has been active in cult awareness since 1976. He is a Nationally Certified Counselor and licensed Mental Health Counselor. He has helped people and their families involved in several groups such as Moonies, Scientology, and many others including MLM groups. He says to look for ways the group uses control. Does the group control its members Behavior, Information, Thoughts, and Emotions? This is what Steven Hassan says to look for.
Control Behavior-
Require obedience to it's self-appointed leaders without question. Do they want you to depend on them for truth. And, if you do not agree with what they say is truth do they get upset? Do they tell you what jobs you may or may not have, sports you may or may not play, college you may or may not attend? These are just some examples. There may be more or different examples. Do they require that you tell others in charge if someone gets "out of line" or does not behave the way they would like? Do they try to impose lots of their own rules and regulations on the group?
Control Information-
Control Thoughts-
Do they use words like apostate, demonized, troublemaker, to label others that do not conform to their standards thus turning others away from them? Do they tell you what you can read, watch, listen to and use guilt to make members feel bad if they don't conform? If you come across information that makes them look bad or in a negative light do they instantly label it as apostate or other name to get you to leave it alone?
Control Emotions-
Does the group use guilt to control it's members? Or, maybe fear as well. For example, they may say that person is going to go to hell or die at Armageddon if they do not change. Or, may be they use the member's children in that way. For example, they may say that if you do not attend meetings or other activities mandated by the leader that your children may die because of your behavior. These are all ways some cult groups keep their members from getting out of line or questioning their authority.
Many of these groups use shunning also as a way to keep members from questioning. If the group is told to shun a former member then they may be hoping any negative information will not get out concerning them.
Please do your research before you join any group. Even if they seem nice they are just like any other group or association. There are so many people getting scammed these days you must show extreme caution. Go to the experts. See what they say. The Internet is a very large place and anyone can say anything about just about everything and everyone. But, if you go to an expert such as Steven Hassan and others who are experienced and educated you can make a better decision for you and your family. You can even get information at your local library or bookstore. S. Hassan has written books on the subject as well that will be extremely helpful to your or a loved one.
His web address is
I for one was totally unaware of what a cult was. When I heard the word I thought of something very dark and brought to mind Jonestown or Waco. I never gave it much thought that it could happen to me or someone I love. But, I am sure that when those unfortunate victims joined they most likely found something positive in it at first too. Also, if you have already left a highly controlled group or family the risk of joining another one similar can be high if you do not become educated on what to look for and how to arm yourself.
Please educate yourself. You will not be sorry. There are many caring, loving, patient people out there waiting to help who know exactly how you feel. It is possible to move forward and live a happy positive life.
These groups and organizations prey on people even going to their homes to recruit them under the guise of "free bible study". Steven Hassan an expert on cults was asked how do we keep ourselves and our loved ones from joining a cult in the first place? His answer was by education. We must be educated on what a cult is so we can stay away from them. It is possible to leave a cult but trying to get a loved one out can be very difficult. Much easier to stay away in the first place. There are plenty of great books on the subject and can even find them at the library. That is where I first received my cult awareness. I was at the library for something else and came across the book Kingdom of the Cults. It just so happened that my congregation's name was on the list. I was dumbfounded to say the least!! But, I checked out the book and read it and it has changed my life for the better and now I want to help others in the same situation. I had no idea that the people who I trusted with my life and my children's lives were not as safe as I had thought. I am glad I got out before it was too late.
Some of these cult members if not most do not even know the deceit they are spreading. They may think they are helping and that they have found "the truth". They may not know the groups history and the ulterior agenda the leaders have. Check out the groups history before you join. You will be highly discouraged from checking the groups past after you join.
Here are a few books on the subject that I highly recommend. Many of them are very inexpensive at if you buy used or you can find some of them at the library. (I have purchased many books on line for under $2.00, all like new condition). If you or a loved one has a similar story or needs encouragement please write to me in comments and I will respond. My family was in the same organization for over four generations and very few of us has left which has torn the family apart. I have seen the emotional turmoil this group has caused my family members. They are scared into staying and told to shun the family members that have left. This makes it very hard for them to see what is being done to them and the help we could give them. So in the meantime it has become my passion to help others in this sad situation.
Below are the books I mentioned. If you click on the picture it will take you right to Amazon and you can read about the book and others in the same category. If you do decide to buy a book, I do receive a small commission from Amazon which goes right back into cult awareness and education against spiritual abuse. So, thank you in advance.
Here are some suggestions of books for cult awareness and education.
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