I do believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses do have some positive things to say and have helped some. But, once you belong to the group you can never leave without adverse affects. Is this right, is this truth? Are they really the only ones you can go through for everlasting life? We are going to take a look at that because I feel there are so many out there who have been scared into staying with this group (I know I was and many of my loved ones) because of these scare tactics. It reminds me of the churches that teach you will be going to a burning Hell...........Since the Witnesses have taught that Hell is not a place of burning torment and we will not be doomed for leaving Christendom then maybe we will not lose our everlasting life if we are questioning the Jehovah's Witness group's authority.
First let's look at what exactly the Jehovah's witnesses say about their authority:
1960 Watchtower July 15 Staying Awake with the Faithful and Discreet Slave says:
"The facts show that during this time and up to the present hour the "slave" class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth." ("Sole Channel") "The Bible figures this channel arrangement as New Jerusalem's "broad way" ". They refer to themselves as "A Modern Miracle" and all others asleep spiritually. "By 1931 the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy were snoring in even deeper spiritual slumber than prior to 1914. Not an awake watchman among them".
1953 Watchtower Aug 15 "Living Now as a New World Society" says:
"After the Battle of Armageddon obliterates this old world the New World Society will continue on, for it will be approved and authorized by the only government then in power, the divine government." They feel you must be a part of this New World Society in order to survive Armageddon since as they stated above only their New World Society will be left.
1954 Watchtower March 1 "Meaning of Baptism Today".
"Only by keeping integrity to God and by associating with God's people, the New World Society, may we hope to survive the destruction of this wicked world in the coming destruction of this wicked world in the coming battle of Armageddon and enter into the new world of righteousness even as Noah and his family entered a new world after the flood."
(For more recent articles on what will happen to those who reject their message see July 15, 2008 and April 1, 2008.)
Do the scriptures support this? What scriptures do they use to support these statements? Are there other scriptures that apply that may send a different message?
The scriptures the Jehovah's Witnesses use in support of their New World Society and it's members as the only survivors:
Matt 13:25 "While men were sleeping, his enemy came and over sowed weeds in among the wheat, and left." (NWT)
Matt 13:38,39 "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of thins, and the reapers are angels." (NWT)
They also refer to Rev. 7:9 and 11:18 and all of Rev. chapter 22 and apply it to their organization. Again that is fine if that is how they would like to interpret it. But, to hurt and manipulate others by saying it is truth and you will die if you don't believe it and live by it well................
First, you should not take scriptures out of context to get the full and correct meaning. By taking the scriptures out of context you can make them say anything to anyone. (Many people do this these days to gain followers so be on guard) (know your Bible well first before trusting anyone). But, in context Rev. chapter 7 clearly tells who it is speaking about and to whom. There is no need to interpret it because it clearly states that the angel is speaking of the 144,000 sealed "slaves of our God" "sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel". The sons of Israel. It does not say spiritual Israel or spiritual Jews, it says sons of Israel. Literally. For further clarification in verse 5-8 it even show which tribes of Israel ie.: Judah, Reuben, Gad, etc., and how many from each tribe. Twelve thousand from each tribe. Twelve thousand times twelve tribes equal 144,000.
As for the Jehovah's witnesses being the only survivors of Armageddon the scriptures clearly state that those who seek God with all their heart will find Him (Deut. 4:29).
Other supporting scriptures include:
Psalm 69:32-33 (those seeking God and meek will live.)
Psalm 145: 18-20 (God is close to all who call on Him.)
Proverbs 2: 3-6 (if you keep seeking you will find the knowledge of God)
Isaiah 45: 22 (turn to God and you will be saved, there is no one else)
Notice it does not say to find His one true organization for through them only you will be saved. It says turn to God to be saved for there is no one else who can save you. Matt. 6:33 If you seek God first then He will show you the way and He will give you everything you need. Do not trust in men.
As I said before, if you are happy as a Jehovah's witness and you find the religion satisfying, good. But, if you are having doubts investigate them and do not let others opinions or interpretations scare you or manipulate you into staying for the wrong reasons. God is Love, and He know those that are seeking Him, and He will not let you down. I hope you find this encouraging. I have many loved ones who are suffering from anxiety because they have doubts and do not know where to turn. This website is for them. I was in the same situation for many years because I was afraid to study on my own and did not know how to study and understand the Bible on my own. Now I know there are alternatives and I want to encourage others to stand up for themselves and Trust your God given Instincts. I was told my family would suffer at Armageddon because of my rebelliousness. How horrible for someone to pass judgement on another human being like that! But, I knew in my heart that I was honestly searching for God and He was the one I would answer to. And, He will be there for you too.
If you would like to read a great book on the Jehovah's Witnesses from someone who used to be at Bethel please read Christian Freedom. Raymond Franz is a wonderful caring person who was with the Witness Organization along with his father for many, many years and has a lot of history and inside information to share concerning the leadership. He also includes great insight for Christians for all denominations and encouragement on staying strong spiritually in spite of adversity and conflict. I published the link below for your convenience. Just click on the photo for more information or to place an order.
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