False Prophets

Did you know that the Bible gives us rules and advice on how to know a false prophet?  And what is a prophet?  A prophet is a person who is believed to speak in the name of God or under divine inspiration.  But, how do we know if they are under God's inspiration or they are just saying they are for questionable reasons.  They could also have very good intentions and may have had a very emotional experience thus leading them to believe they are really anointed by God to speak in His name.  We must be very careful in this matter and therefore it is best to see what God's Word says on the matter correct? 

God says in Deuteronomy (chapter 18:15) that when a prophet speaks in His name and the thing spoken does not occur then he should be considered a false prophet and do not listen to him or let his words worry you or frighten you.  God's true Word always comes true and He is not a man that He would change.  The Bible also goes on to say that a false prophet is worthy of death.  And is this too harsh?  There are so many false prophets today leading people further and further away from the true God and what His Will is for mankind.  God does not want any of His people led astray.  So, if is vital that we make sure if any person or group of persons claims to speak for God that what they say comes true.  Maybe since you have been associating with the group things have been good and fine.  But, what about in the past?  Have they made claims that certain things would happen at a certain time and they did not?  Or, have they even said these things and then tried to cover them up or maybe even blamed their own loyal followers for making up dates and times?  Could you even trust someone after they have done this although their future actions may have been good based on what we read about false prophets  in God's Word. 

Choose your friends wisely and choose your congregation even more carefully.  There are many sincere followers but do not take their word for it for they may not have done the research.  Look and see the past history of a group.  Not from other upset members necessarily but from the groups own publications.  What is their history?  How long has the group been around?  Where did they get started and why?  From my experience a lot of groups over the last two hundred years have come about because a person had a very emotional experience and decided to write about it and then gained followers.  Not in itself bad, but sometimes it developed into a whole new religion or cult.  It may have led or is leading to a person or persons thinking they are now our mediator between us and God.  Should it be this way?  Yes, I believe we should all get together and encourage each other but should anyone be between us and God?  That is a whole conversation in itself and it is getting off the subject but just know that if a person or persons speaks in the name of God and it does not come true (whether they said it now or 100 years ago) they are a false prophet and we are cautioned by God not to listen to them.  Be wise and discerning.  Do your research!!  You will be glad you did and your family will be safer and happier as well.


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